December 2, 2011

Kota Kinabalu , East Malaysia

December, 2011.

We had asked Him for His strategy, and He told us that the key to unlocking KK into her destiny was awakening the Bride of Christ to intimacy and love. Indeed, His ways are so much higher and I love how we can always be surprised by God because He is never "predictable" and He rarely does the exact same thing twice! I had prepared for soft, gentle intimacy songs, and He showed up like fire tonight! As we sang "let the fire fall, let the wind blow, let Your glory come down" and we were being baptized by the manifest presence of the all-consuming fire of God, I realized God's love was so strong and unrelentless. He burns with a jealous jealousy and such an urgency to awaken His bride to love Him. He was burning away every other love apart from Him. He wants our all. His love is a jealous love and He will purify and refine the love of His bride. I had missed this fire. I am so humbled and thankful that He would allow us to witness Him calling His people to love. As I heard in my spirit the loud sounding of a shofar and the authoritative declaration that "Now is the time!", I heard His voice, full of love - a love so gentle and humble, yet so strong and demands our all - He says, "Oh how beautiful is My Malaysian bride."

Oh, how beautiful is this Malaysian bride!