It wasn't until we arrived in Singapore Geylang district - Agape Church - that we realized how intense the darkness is surrounding this church. Along the same short street there were two temples, one mosque, and two chinese martial arts centers (run by triads). There is also a small hotel right across the road where occasionally you see ladies in skimpy clothing waiting around below or talking with a middle aged man (講數 discussing "her" price). Not just that, but if you have heard of the notorious Geylang district in Singapore, it is famous for its good food, durian stalls, and unfortunately ... brothels on almost every street, girls of every age and every "price" standing in every street corner at night, men coming to "have fun". It's horrible. And so our team slept, ate, hung out, held meetings and harp and bowl sessions in this church, and reached out to the lost in Geylang.
It wasn't easy at first, living in the district. At night, we were terrified for the streets were crowded with people - pimps, girls, men. In the daytime, we could see the left behind syringes and needles of druggies. But slowly, God really did break our hearts for the lost out there (most of the ladies are from mainland China!). I could not forget one night, when we were handing out mooncakes to the prostitutes and just chatting with them, one particular lady seemed mesmerized by the fact that i was smiling at her and chatting to her from a sincere heart with no intention of wanting anything from her. As I slept that night, I doubted the impact we made to those girls. The Lord then told me, "Your smiles are like a refreshing drop of living water to the thirsty out there. Thank you for refreshing their hearts with one smile." I then was reminded that it wasn't only about whether or not they get saved or come to church, but it was FIRST about loving on them, giving them a smile, bringing the presence of the Father to where they are - letting them know that the church is not just in a building, but out on the streets, on the move.
It seemed right, that the house of prayer not only stayed in one location, but went to the darkest of places. It seemed right, that we would carry the fire of prayer into the darkness and stay with them, eat with them, live with them, love on them. When Jesus gave us the Great Commission, He did not say to the church, "tell the people to come", but for us to "Go!", for all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus; and not just to go, but to "make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" (Matt 28:18-20).
By the time we left Geylang, there was one prayer resounding in my heart: "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." (Matt 9:37-38) It wasn't only about being called to evangelism, or to worship, or to prayer, but the whole LOVE package - we are called to an all-consuming, explosive, extravagant, beautiful package called GOD. And whatever the Father does, we shall do.